Your society has adopted a one size fits all, with schemes that cater for all members across the broad spectrum

Loyalty Scheme

This is ideal for our pensioners and provides maximum return on the subscription with a benefits package that defies the level of contribution. It is a package tailor-made with our loyal pensioners’ welfare at heart.

Primary Scheme

This is the entry level, most popular scheme which is ideal for lower level staff, it boasts a comprehensive personal health benefits including maternity, dentistry, hospitalization and specialist services. Primary scheme provides great benefits for the level of subscription.

Main Scheme

This plan is offered to members who would like a higher service offering than the Primary Scheme. It has higher subscription. The main scheme gives maximum return on the subscription with an access level that defies the level of contribution. It is ideal for mid-level staff in the corporate sector.

Super Scheme

An upper mid-level scheme that provides great benefits for the level of subscription. It offers access to top level facilities and a high benefits package.

Executive Scheme

This is the top tier scheme offered by Railmed. It gives top level access and is designed for top level business executives. It gives access to top level facilities and a high benefits package at an affordable premium. It has the best, competitive benefits package of all the private sector schemes.